Jun 30 2014,
Latin Times
Last year, the supporters of Mexico's conservative National Action Party created the Mexican Nationalist Movement of Labor, a neo-Nazi group with the intention to "protect traditional families, the Catholic-Christian religion, and relive the history of the Nazi doctrine." The group, which considers itself to be a political alternative to the 'Zionist capitalism,' argues that democracy has the interest of few in mind.
First created in Jalisco last November, the neo-Nazi organization is headed by Juan Barrera Espinosa. Earlier this year, on the 125th birthday of Adolf Hitler, Espinosa called upon his 'comrades' on social networks to honor the birth of the German dictator. Animal Politico reports that the organization's doctrine includes to 'protect society' and to oppose gay marriages and adoptions.
Photographs from meetings held by the organization reveal that members attend wearing armbands and Nazi uniforms. Many attendees also emulate Hitler's haircut. Incidentally, the Mexican state of Sonora has banned parents from naming their children Hitler earlier this year.
Neo-Nazi groups are nothing new to Latin American countries, as many of them exist throughout the region. In Chile, an organization known as "El Martillo del Sur" is a well-known neo-Nazi group and in Colombia there is the "Tercera Fuerza." Ironically; however, the German dictator that these individuals follow and try to mimic is the same that would not consider them worthy of his leadership.
By Elizabeth Rosales 30/Jun/14
JALISCO.- The Nationalist Mexican Workers' Movement is a small Neo-Nazi group formed November of last year that describes itself as a National Humanist political alternative.
This morning, this young group of Jalisco natives have caused an online frenzy on social media after the website Animal Politico revealed that in addition to sympathising with Hitler's ideology, this group is comprised by militants members of the PAN party (National Action Party).
Amongst the objectives of this Neo-Nazi group is the goal to help preserve traditional Christian families, eliminate pro-homosexual propaganda, namely, that which promotes homosexual marriage rights and adoption rights, as well as other rights related to freedom of expression.
They have also stated that protecting micro, small, and medium sized businesses is an objective of this group in response to abuses suffered by workers at the hand of capitalist interests.
The organization is reportedly lead by Juan Barrera Espinosa, who is currently named as a State Student Council Member for PAN in Jalisco and is the Lead Representative for the Alonso Lujambio Youth Parliament.
Animal Politico reports that these organizations are mock legislative groups designed to create future PAN political leaders, where they practice participating in environments similar to Congress. Within these organizations, initiatives that are later presented to local congressman are formulated by the student members.
Juan Barrera has posted various photos alongside PAN leadership and does not shy away from publishing his devotion of Adolf Hitler, whom he considers "one of the greatest politicians and speakers of all time." On April 20, he even organized a meeting to celebrate the 125th birth date of the German dictator.
The devotion of Hitler and his ideology is clearly evident just by looking at pictures of these youths. In various photographs, members of the Nationalist Mexican Workers' Movement depict a like-ness to Hitler ranging from their haircuts, to uniforms and symbols that they wear, and even body language. They appear in very serious and military like poses.
When this news was published, internet users nicknamed them the Morenazis, a play on the word "Moreno" (meaning dark) and Nazis, as a sarcastic jab at the clash of non-whites being Neo-Nazis.
Neo-Nazism can be centered around racial purity or white supremacists, those whose lineage relates back to White Europeans, although this didn't prevent Germany from trying take Mexico on as an ally during the Greater German Reich of 1933 to 1945. During the period, the indigenous heritage of the Mexican race was less important than the privileges that Germany would have obtained by gaining Mexico as an ally, which is why imbedding Nationalist Socialist ideology in Mexico became an important goal for the German Reich.
The Third Reichs strategy was simple: to involve the Press -- Excelsior and El Universal- to embed Nazi ideals in Mexico. According to the publication "Timon Magazine and the Nazi Collaboration of Jose Vasconcelos," the Timon magazine was also used for this purpose, and it claims its editorial is extra-officially linked to Jose Vasconcelos.
Jose Vasconcelos is an important Mexican philosopher and politician who was the head of the Department of Education and director of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and declared himself pro-Nazi and anti-semite in various publications in the capital. In the publication "The Forgotten Mexican Nazi Named Jose Vasconcelos" we can learn a bit more about the background of the Third Reich's group of admirers and it is evidenced that it is not that difficult to find Adolf Hitler sympathizers in a country such as Mexico.
With information derived from Animal Politico.

Posted on 2015-06-27
by Andreas Moser
During my upcoming travels in Latin America, I won’t need to worry about money. Whenever I will run out of funds, I can work at a college or university and teach German and European history.
The demand for such lessons is illustrated by this ballet performance in Guadalajara, Mexico.
This doesn’t seem to be the only long-term effect of the activities by the National Socialists in Central America. From the 1930s on, they supported newspapers in Mexico and in 1935 founded the “Community of the German People in Mexico”. Only in 1941 did Mexico cut diplomatic ties, before declaring war on Germany in 1942 after German U-boats had sunk two oil ships in the gulf of Mexico.
But Nazis are the very devil to kill! Even nowadays, self-proclaimed members of the master race and Aryans are marching in the streets, shouting Nazi slogans and showing off beer bellies.
Nazis are stupid everywhere. But those who would have been regarded as subhumans to be enslaved or exterminated according to the racist ideology of the real Nazis, but who so much want to be Nazis now, are the very dumbest among the stupid.
I wonder if they are even allowed to sit at the same table with the German NPD when they meet for international Nazi conferences. Well, maybe because of the girls that they have with them .
Important tip for the Mexinazis: When you get to Germany, always wear your uniform! Particularly in Eastern Germany. Otherwise, you may be beaten to death by those with whom you share your Aryan descent, your ideology and your stupidity.
Apparently there is a “Partido Nacional Socialista de México” and organisations like “Brigadas Fascistas de México” or “Cuarto Reich” (Fourth Reich). According to this source, (***) the letters confirming membership in the Mexican National Socialist Party are being mailed from Germany, and German party members travel to Mexico. I’ll be damned if this isn’t financed by the German domestic intelligence services, like the German Nazi parties are in part…
And this is how Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto
began his first day on the job.
Granted, this gesture was around before the Nazis; but some historical awareness wouldn’t be harmful. And thus we return to my offer for some extra lessons. If you all want to be such great Nazis, I am sure I can give the lessons in German, can’t I?
(Zur deutschen Fassung dieses Artikels.)
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