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Gothenburg, Sweden — The
Swedish government decided today to deny the EU-backed Gothenburg gas terminal
its final permit on climate grounds. This development is the latest in a series
of faltering gas projects and follows years of local opposition including a blockade of the harbour
and terminal by hundreds of people in September.
Olivia Linander of the local grassroots group Fossilgasfällan (translates
into ‘the fossil gas trap’) that led the opposition against the project
“When we started campaigning against the terminal in
early 2017, the gas lobby’s claims that this massive piece of new fossil fuel
infrastructure was a solution of sorts went unchallenged. Through dialogue,
email campaigns and large mobilisations we have shifted the conversation
entirely and the project has now been rejected for what it is: a
climate-wrecking disaster. This is just the beginning of the end of Sweden’s
gas expansion. Similar
projects can and should expect resistance.”

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